Firstat Nursing Services, a Chula Vista Home Health Agency supports seniors by publishing smart tips for the holidays. People are never too old to make changes and use self-improvement skills to increase the quality of their lives. Experienced home care workers can make the difference between a happy and safe New Year and discouragement for seniors,” said Linnea Goodrich, president of Firstat Nursing Services.

Here are three self-improvement tips to make the New Year the best it can be for senior citizens.

Find Someone to Listen – Elderly citizens have lived long and fulfilling lives, and they have a lot to pass along. Caregivers provide a special service in being available to listen. Just having someone to listen gives seniors a revitalized sense of self-esteem and helps relieve depression and feelings of isolation.

Get Help with Modern Technology – The world is hard to navigate without advanced technology skills. Whether it is a smart phone, a computer or simply the TV, having a skilled home care provider to help navigate the high-tech world is smart. Most elderly people did not grow up with these tools, and even the simplest of programming can be confusing.

Help Dealing with Physical Limitations – Senior citizens face both physical and cognitive limitations that can be daunting if they are alone. A home caregiver can help them by showing them how to break down seemingly insurmountable tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. Just as important, caregivers ask their senior clients for their opinions so they understand that their input is valuable.

To learn more about in-home care, pick up a copy of this free guide, “Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider,” Just Call ☎ 619-220-7600 or go to:

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