Firstat Nursing Services, a home health care and home nursing agency serving El Cajon, Chula Vista and San Diego supports Home Care and Hospice Month and shares, “3 Ways Seniors Can Stay Healthy During the Holidays.”

“Caregivers can help seniors beat the holiday blues, and make the most of the opportunities to enjoy the time safely and happily,” said Linnea Goodrich, president of Firstat Nursing Services.

Here are three ways seniors can stay healthy during the holidays.

Fight Holiday Depression-The holidays are often a painful source of depression for the elderly. A homecare provider can keep seniors active, providing them with someone to talk to during the seasonal months. Skilled nursing providers are also prepared to help seniors contact friends and family that are close enough to visit, ensuring safe travel for elderly to spend time with loved ones.

Don’t Overdo It-It is often tempting for seniors to try and visit everyone that offers an invitation to a home or holiday party. Seniors should talk to their homecare provider and let them help create a reasonable schedule that lets them visit loved ones safely while still getting plenty of rest in between.

Don’t Feel Obliged to Buy Big-Living on a fixed income often means having to cut back on expenses. Counseling from a skilled nursing caregiver can help seniors determine how much money they have to spend on holiday gifts while being prepared to meet their own needs for the rest of the month and year.

To learn more about in home care, pick up a copy of this free guide, “Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider,” Just Call ☎ 619-220-7600 or go to:

In Home Care El Cajon, In Home Care Chula Vista

Firstat Nursing Services
411 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108
☎ 619-220-7600

In Home Care El Cajon, In Home Care Chula Vista

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