“September is healthy aging month, a time to help seniors see how healthy living and being fit isn’t just for the young,” said Linnea Goodrich, president of Firstat Nursing Services.

Here are three ways seniors can be healthier safely.

Eat for Nourishment Not Reward – As people age, they tend to stop worrying about waistlines with food choices more about desire and comfort – a reward for simply being older. Poor nutritional choices not only add pounds quickly, but also, raise blood sugar levels. Often, it’s easier for seniors to eat packaged foods instead of risking kitchen accidents. Caregivers can help prepare healthy meals that can be made in advance and frozen without a lot of fuss.

Find Safe Exercise Alternatives – Walking is a great activity, but can be difficult for seniors with limited mobility or balance issues. Ask a health care professional to suggest safe alternatives and exercises that can be modified for those with physical disabilities. Physical activity doesn’t need to be expensive. In fact, many are simple enough to do with common household items.

Utilize Senior Care San Diego for Support – Getting help from home health care providers is a smart move. Not only will senior care providers help develop a healthy routine for elderly people at all stages of abilities, but they can also check to ensure meals are nutritious, as well as monitor medical statistics to ensure patients do not over-extend themselves.

People wanting to learn more about San Diego Home Care Agencies are encouraged to call ☎ 619-220-7600 to pick up a copy of this free guide “Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider.”

Firstat Nursing Services
411 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108
☎ 619-220-7600


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