Firstat Nursing Services, a home care and home nursing agency serving Poway, Rancho Bernardo and San Diego supports healthy aging tips by publishing, “3 Ways to Make This Year the Best for the Senior Citizens in the Family.”

“For the elderly, enjoying a better life often involves getting more assistance to do things that have become overwhelming on a daily basis,” said Linnea Goodrich, president of Firstat Nursing Services.

Here are three ways to make this year the best for the senior citizens in the family.

Promote Aging at Home-Living in a strange place, or moving in with family members creates a loss of independence that can be crippling and depressing for senior citizens. Instead, consider hiring a qualified home health care professional to provide regular assistance, allowing older family members to stay in the homes they love and cherish, while maintaining their sense of self-esteem and independence.

Spend Time Out of the House-While aging at home is one of the biggest indicators of good emotional and mental well-being for seniors, spending time out of the house is just as important. Senior citizens enjoy visiting with their families, but homecare providers can fill in the gaps by providing much needed assistance.

Encourage Physical and Mental Activity-Home health care providers can assist senior citizens with physical and mental exercise when they visit. Staying active helps seniors stay safe and happy. Home health care givers also provide a source of companionship—someone to talk to and share memories with.

To learn more about in home care, pick up a copy of this free guide, “Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider,” Just Call ☎ 619-220-7600 or go to:

Home Care Poway, Rancho Bernardo Home Nursing

Firstat Nursing Services
411 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108
☎ 619-220-7600

Home Care Poway, Rancho Bernardo Home Nursing

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