“Loneliness is a leading cause of depression, especially amongst the elderly,” said Linnea Goodrich, president of Firstat Nursing Services. She continued, “Having people around older individuals helps them live fuller, healthier lives, and keeps them mentally and spiritually happier.”

Here are three ways an elder care San Diego agency can improve social wellness for the elderly.

Regular Home Health Care Visits are a Source of Human Interaction – For many older individuals, caregivers are the main source of human contact on a regular basis. Without someone checking in on them, many wouldn’t have anyone to talk to. While there are many aspects of senior care that are necessary to maintain physical health – medical checkups, ensuring proper nutrition, assisting with hygiene needs etc., the simple act of checking in on seniors and talking to them is often one of the most important.

Caregivers Get Seniors Out of Their Shells – For many seniors, the beloved home that they desire to stay in can end up feeling like a prison. The home holds many memories – both inside and out. Home health care personnel are trained to identify the signals of depression and isolation, and when signs present themselves, they can help contact friends and family or help them enjoy the fresh air and meet people outside of their homes.

Professional Services Develop the Connections Older People Need When Providing Senior Care – When elderly are separated by many miles from the families they once depended on for social connections, it can be daunting. Some simply have no idea how to meet new people, and at times are reluctant to open up to strangers in social settings.

Home health care nurses help seniors find community services, meetings and events geared toward people their own age, helping them feel comfortable in new settings with new people. When communities offer special senior transportation services, health care providers can help make arrangements to get senior clients the transportation they need.

To learn more, pick up a copy of our free guide… “Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider” Just give us a call ☎ 619-220-7600 or visit our website at: http://www.FirstatofSanDiego.com


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